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My Journey

My Journey

Hello, I am johan mascarenhas

I started my AP computer science principals journey by picking our groups. Briefly after picking our groups that we work with we hit the ground running by installing the necessary softwares, and applications.

We were also asked to join a communication application, also known as Slack. There I was able to read annoncements and get help from people more experienced than me in computer Science.

For the first project. I decided to learn some markdown and html basics through youtube. I did get some assistance from platforms like ChatGPT and W3Schools.

This led me to create 3 web pages, Journey, Home, and About, And so far, I am prety proud of my work…

I hit many bumps along the way and I was stuck for a lot of thinghs such as making my mario move thorugh my screen, but with some colaberation from my table groups, friends, the teacher, and the internet, I was all good to go.

1st week: We got introduced in our groups and got a brief introduction to coding. We installed all necessary processes

2nd week: We started coding our about pages, index page, and journey. We also started github related activities

3rd week: We worked on mario game on the bottom of screen, and implimented buttons.

4th week: making a game and putting more work into our websites.